The B7 Conference

It’s not a job, it’s a business.

a team looking at a table

Date: November 6 - 8, 2023

Location: St. Louis, MO

Cost: $1,599

B7 was designed in 2020 after we were informed by a group of entrepreneurs that the existing conferences in the ecosystem are focused on personal empowerment and influencing instead of business. As a result, we created a professional & business development conference for business owners at all seven stages of scaling.

B7 is an invitation only conference designed for business owners working to scale their companies intentionally annually. Owners work through each of the seven stages of business development to complete the activities necessary to grow their company. Business owners get what they need from resources, professionals, tools and a network to implement solutions on behalf of their companies in the conference as well as throughout the year afterwards.

Conference Agenda

B7 places business owners on a track of work during the conference that is designed for how their companies are performing today. For each stage of business development, business owners will participate in a panel discussion, business network speed dating, stage workshop, professional services meet & greet and pitch competitions. Business Owners will experience each of the following stages: 

  1. 9am-12pm Idea/Seed Stage: Business Owners will work through activities that require them to assess and evaluate their idea, pilot a new project and walk through the initial business development towards funding at this stage.
  2. 1pm-4pm Startup Stage: Business Owners will work through activities that require them to launch a startup in their industry, enter into a new market/region and complete the business development towards funding at this stage.
  3. 5pm-6pm Nonprofit Pitch Competition
  1. 9am-11am Growth Stage: Business Owners will work through activities that require them to increase their clientele, customers and revenue streams while walking through the business development necessary to gain funding at this stage
  2. 12pm-2pm Established Stage: Business Owners will work through activities to sustain and maintain their company by working through their existing operations, infrastructure and capacity towards scaling funds at the next stage.
  3. 2pm-4pm Expansion Stage: Business Owners will work through activities to locate new customers, clients, markets and regions for their business in order to implement a scalable strategy with the available funds at this stage.
  4. 5pm-6pm For-Profit Pitch Competition
  1. 9am-12pm Decline Stage: Business Owners will work through activities to identify signs of negative performance, outcomes and results to make decisions given different circumstances with the existing financial infrastructure.
  2. 1pm-4pm Exit Stage: Business Owners will work through activities to acquire, merge and sell as exit plans during this stage given the company's historical performance in its market and industry.
  3. 5pm-6pm Business Happy Hour & Pitch Competition Awards
7 Business Development

Business Owners will experience each stage in order to work through their company needs and implement them at the conference.

7 Business Panels

Business Owners will hear from consulting experts at each stage of development concentrated on specific company activities.

7 Business Network
Speed Dating Events

Business Owners will participate in networking, hiring, co-founder and VC introductions speed dating style, in order to intentionally meet their peers and colleagues in business.

7 Business Development

Business Owners will complete activities, implement changes and identify their needs for stage success as well as progression.

7 Professional Services
Meet & Greets

Business Owners will participate in meet & greets with the professional services vendors in order to delegate and outsource their company needs.

2 Pitch Competitions

Business Owners will be able to participate in either a nonprofit or for-profit pitch competition where their organizations will be evaluated for future development performance.

What the conference is

The B7 Conference is a working meeting of the minds for business owners to solve annual problems faced by their companies that affect market, industry and competitive performance. Nothing related to business will be left unaddressed for participants.

What the conference is not

The B7 Conference is not a gathering for influencers, executive’s branding themselves or religious personnel for the purpose of empowerment, brunching or fashion.

Who will be invited

B7 Conference invitations will be extended to business owners that:

  • Are in the position to implement business solutions immediately
  • Add value to their market and industry
  • Perform progressively financially
  • Possess a proven track record of Investing in their employees, business & community.

Participants can expect the following with their ticket purchase:

  • 49 Business Development Events & Activities
  • Nonprofit and For-Profit Pitch Competitions
  • Networking, Hiring, Co-Founder & Venture Capital Opportunities
  • Happy Hours
  • Program Book
  • Business Bag
  • Ability to Sign Up For Business Service Needs
  • Manufacturing & Production
  • Food & Beverage
  • Technology
  • Professional Services
  • Construction
  • Real Estate
  • Beauty & Wellness
  • Social Services
  • Healthcare
  • Mental Health
  • Entertainment
  • Transportation & Warehousing
  • Bookkeepers
  • Accountants
  • Lawyers
  • Marketing
  • Advertising
  • Public Relations
  • Sales
  • Telecommunications
  • Customer Service
  • Human Resources
  • Information Technology
  • Commercial Realtor
  • Operating Systems & Business Softwares
Vendor & Speaker Interest

Professional Services companies interested in being a vendor at the B7 Conference are to submit a request via email to:

Sponsorship Information

Corporations and companies interested in being a sponsor of the B7 Conference are to submit a request via email to:

// Import the necessary Firebase modules import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app"; import { getFirestore, collection, addDoc, serverTimestamp } from "firebase/firestore"; // Your Firebase configuration const firebaseConfig = { apiKey: "AIzaSyBQH8AyjLWh8EWs25PMYxHawMlpTTUzH38", authDomain: "", projectId: "business-database-56495", storageBucket: "", messagingSenderId: "345364293002", appId: "1:345364293002:web:30e85d1722c6b487809473", measurementId: "G-15S88CF8P8" }; // Initialize Firebase const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig); const db = getFirestore(app); // Wait for the DOM to load document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { const form = document.querySelector('#customForm'); // Make sure this matches your form's ID in Webflow form.addEventListener('submit', async function (event) { event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default Webflow submission // Retrieve form data const formData = new FormData(form); const income = formData.get('incomeInput'); // Match input field 'name' attributes const revenue = formData.get('revenueInput'); const investments = formData.get('investmentsInput'); const unitsSold = formData.get('unitsSoldInput'); const numClients = formData.get('numClientsInput'); const industry = formData.get('industryInput'); // Save data to Firebase Firestore try { const docRef = await addDoc(collection(db, 'BusinessData'), { income: parseFloat(income), revenue: parseFloat(revenue), investments: parseFloat(investments), unitsSold: parseInt(unitsSold), numberOfClients: parseInt(numClients), industry: industry, createdAt: serverTimestamp(), }); alert('Data saved successfully! Document ID: ' +; form.reset(); // Reset form after successful submission } catch (error) { console.error('Error adding document: ', error); alert('Failed to save data. Please try again.'); } }); });