Nonprofit Capacity Building

Capacity Building should increase the level in which the organization operates both internally and externally.

Is Capacity Building Right For Your Organization?
  • When your organization has an engaged board of directors, committees, development team and event planning team in place.
  • When your organization has designed a budget and timeline for a 1-5 year capacity building effort.
  • When your organization has a list of 100 prospective individual donors, corporate donors, grantors, contracts and sponsors each.
  • When your organization is able to execute 2-4 annual events and daily availability to meet with prospects.
Strategic advice
  • Your organization does not have a fundraising board of directors and fundraising committee.
  • Your organization does not have the budget to pay for all required inputs to reach the expected outcomes outlined.
  • Your organization does not have a network of individuals, businesses, grantors, contracts or sponsors to engage.
  • Your organization has not permitted the time commitment necessary to execute all the components of its capacity building plan.

Here's What Your Organization Can Expect To Achieve With Capacity Building Training...


Nonprofit organizations will be provided with best practice systems on the necessary steps to reaching outlined objectives, goals and outcomes.


Nonprofit organizations will be advised on the strategies and systems that position their mission and vision in front of those that support their cause.


Nonprofit organizations will gain clarity on who to ask, how to ask and why to ask board members, staff & personnel, individuals, businesses, sponsors, etc.

An assessment on the current state of the business, what the company is in need of in order to succeed in the industry. Consultants will determine what resources, systems, strategies and processes are experiencing gaps in attention.

Ensure that your organization is able to engage new and existing board members in their roles by:

  • Developing a board of directors manual, compliance measures and governance structure.
  • Completing board of directors activities and tasks as it relates to advocating on behalf of the organization.
  • Create a board member evaluation process and ongoing training schedule for the governing body.

Ensure that the organizations programs operate efficiently and meet impactful-measurable outcomes.

  • Redesign program inputs, outputs, objectives, goals and outcomes.
  • Realign program partnerships, collaborations, oversight, operations, marketing materials, advertising, community engagement, compliance, assessments, evaluations and data reports.
  • Organize financial needs and the necessary associated resources.

Ensure that your organization has a creative, innovative and entrepreneur focused approach to meeting your goals.

  • Set specific strategies for the entire organization and per program.
  • Create specific logic models for the entire organization and per program.
  • Establish the necessary relationships for the execution of the completed strategic plan.

Ensure that your organization has a measurable plan to follow in order to reach fiduciary goals.

  • Provide fund development plan, assessments and evaluation tools.
  • Provide board training in the input areas of fundraising in order to meet goals collectively.
  • Provide consistent oversight for the board and provide support in completing monthly activities
  • Organization Assessment Organization Assessment
  • Board Evaluation, Recruitment and Retention Plan
  • Program Objectives, Goals, Outcomes & Budgets
  • Strategic Plan
  • Fund Development Plan

Your New Reality After Training...

Direction for all board members, staff, personnel and committee members on increasing visibility and revenue of the organization within their roles.

Positioning of your nonprofit organization within your supporters companies, firms and foundations for ongoing engagement and continued conversations around giving.

Clarity in the components of your programs the connect all internal and external stakeholders to the mission, vision and needs of the organization.

Your Organization's Commitment

Organizations have the choice of attending capacity building trainings:
  • Per Subject Matter Online
  • Per Subject Matter In-Person
  • All 5 Subject Matters Online
  • All 5 Subject Matters In-Person
Capacity Building Proposal

Your organization can print the training outline that is accompanied with the subject areas associated prices. Organizations that would like to attend an online training can schedule it below. Organizations that would like an in-person capacity building training must complete an initial assessment and consultation by clicking "Become a Client" at the top of this page.

Capacity Building Training & Development
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